+27(0) 48 881 1650 reservations@tuishuise.co.za
Schreiner Karoo Writers’ Festival

Schreiner Karoo Writers’ Festival

Milk tart, murder and literary excellence at Schreiner Karoo Writers’ Festival Melt MyburghFeeste2022-06-03 0 1000010 The Schreiner Karoo Writers’ Festival will be held in Cradock from 16 to 21 June 2022. Melt Myburgh spoke to organisers Lisa Antrobus-Ker and Melina...
Karoo Food Festival 2022, Cradock

Karoo Food Festival 2022, Cradock

POSTED ON MAY 3, 2022 BY JULIENNE DU TOIT By Julienne du Toit Autumn is a magical season for food in the Eastern Karoo. The grasses are turning from summer green to winter blonde. The pecan nuts and walnuts are nearly ready for harvest. The last of the...